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PatientPop Patient Payments FAQs

Updated: 06/22/2023|Views: 577

Note: PatientPop Patient Payments is only available for activation prior to February 2023.

The Practice Growth platform has been expanded to include the ability for our practice to create invoices and bill patients. In addition, patients can quickly and easily pay their bills online or via text-to-pay.

To walkthrough the process of activating and leveraging Payments within your Practice Portal, check out this tutorial video.

How do I enable Payments?

Log-in to your Practice Growth Portal and navigate to the ‘Payments’ tab in the left-hand navigation. You will see an ACTIVATE icon next to Payments and the following message within the dashboard. Follow the prompt to activate Payments.

What can I find in my Payments dashboard?

Your payments dashboard is a central location where a provider or billing manager can access and assess the action needed to ensure patients have paid invoices. In your payments dashboard, you can view all payments data, including total revenue, total payments, total outstanding, payments outstanding, and invoices.

What fees can my practice expect to pay?

In the Practice Growth Practice Portal go to Payments > Terms & Fees found in the bottom left corner of the Payments dashboard. The ability to review the terms & fees associated with onboarding with patient payments and our payment processing vendor can be viewed here.

How does my practice onboard?

In the Practice Growth practice portal click on to Payments. From here your practice can easily and efficiently onboard as a merchant by clicking on the ‘Get Started’ button. Once clicked, your practice will be presented with an onboarding form, which includes the following sections:

  • About The Business
  • About the Owner
  • Add Bank Account
  • Terms and Conditions

How long does it take for my practice to onboard?

Once your practice has submitted your onboarding form, you can expect to see a message from our payment processing vendor, which states, “Your account has been created successfully.” At the point and time of a successful submission, your practice can expect to wait 24-72 hours while their application goes through underwriting.

How do I generate a virtual invoice?

Once you’ve onboarded your practice, you can quickly and seamlessly create invoices, send them to patients (via email or text), and receive payments. You can do so by filling out a quick pay form:

  • Select location/provider (dropdown)
  • Patient name (search functionality)
  • Enter Date of birth, email, phone, date of service, amount, service, invoice due date.

How do my patients pay a virtual invoice?

Your patients will receive a notification and can quickly pay the invoice online or via text. This streamlined functionality increases the revenue collected and reduces the time-to-recognize revenue.

What if I need assistance with Payments?

If troubleshooting or training is needed, please reach out to our Support team.

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