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Tebra Help Center

Guidelines for Website Design: Photo Sizing

Updated: 06/22/2023|Views: 195

Below is a list of sizing guidelines for the various promos that we offer for your website.

Single Text / Single Photo

  • Image Size: 460px x 365px
  • Can the image be linked?: Yes
  • Video: Youtube link only
  • Video will be sized to 460px x 365px
  • Text: If text is longer than 365 px in height, “read more” option appears
  • Can text be coded/customized?: Yes

Multi Text / Multi Photo

  • Image Size: 460px x 365px
  • Can Image be linked?: Yes
  • Video: Youtube link only
    • Video will be sized to 460px x 365px
  • Text:  If text is longer than 365 px in height, module height will adjust with text height
  • Can text be coded/customized?: Yes
  • When using slideshow, slides cannot be reordered after they are created
  • Newly added slides will appear at the end of the slideshow


Image Grid

  • Image Size: 310px x 200px
    • 1-4: Images will center in module
    • 4+ : Images will begin to wrap (float left)
  • Can Image be linked?: Yes

Image Carousel

  • Image Size: 1200px x 460px
  • Can Image be linked?: Yes
  • Image Focal point for mobile.  Entire image can’t be seen in mobile
  • Text overlay (100 characters)
    • Text overlay does not appear in mobile view

Single Video

  • Image Size: 1200px x 460px
  • Can Image be linked: No
  • Image focal point for mobile.  Entire image can’t be seen in mobile
  • Dark overlay over image (Can’t remove)
  • Video: Must be youtube link
    • Video will show as pop-up screen

Split Screen

  • Image Size: 780px x 430px
  • Can Image be linked: No
  • Only image appears in mobile view
  • Can text be coded/customized: yes

*Videos: Youtube/Vimeo iframes can be used in sections with coded text options 

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