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Tebra Help Center

ERA Splitting Options

Updated: 06/22/2022
Views: 4969

There are times Kareo may not be able to process electronic remittance advice (ERA) reports that contain a high count of Claim Reference IDs, also known as encounters. The ERA Splitting Options feature allows System Administrators to set a Claim Reference ID count threshold on ERA reports received for the practice. By enabling automatic ERA splitting and specifying a maximum number count, any ERA report received with a Claim Reference ID count above the set value automatically splits into several, more manageable reports for an uninterrupted payment reconciliation workflow.

Enable Automatic ERA Splitting

  1. Click Settings > Options > ERA Splitting Options. The ERA Splitting Options window opens.
  2. Click to select "Enable automatic ERA Splitting" to activate the feature moving forward.
    • To disable automatic ERA splitting, click to deselect. Then, click Save.
  3. By default, the maximum number of claims (Claim Reference IDs) per ERA report is set to 50. If desired, enter a different maximum number (between 50 and 450).
  4. Click Save

ERA Splitting Example 

  • Example of ERA report splitting for a set maximum number count of 200.
    1. The original ERA report received.
    2. The reports the original ERA report was automatically split into based on the set value.


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