Billing Provider Address1 cannot be a PO Box or Lockbox Address. 2010AA.N3*01
Rejection Message Billing Provider Address1 cannot be a PO Box or Lockbox Address. 2010AA.N3*01 |
Rejection Details This rejection indicates the billing address cannot be a PO Box. Sending a PO box in the billing provider address information is against 5010 ANSI guidelines. |
Resolution The provider can send the PO Box address in the Pay To Address. Follow the instructions below to enter the Pay To Address for all insurances or a specific one. |
Follow the instructions below to enter the “Pay to” address for all insurance companies the provider bills:
Then, rebill and resubmit all affected claims. |
Follow the instructions below to enter the “Pay to” address for a specific insurance company the provider bills:
Then, rebill and resubmit all affected claims. |