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Tebra Help Center

Service Facility NPI Must Not Match Billing Provider NPI

Updated: 01/09/2024|Views: 8095

Rejection Message

Service Facility NPI Must Not Match Billing Provider NPI

Rejection Details

This rejection indicates the service facility NPI and billing provider NPI submitted on the claim are identical.

Per ANSI 5010 requirements, the service facility NPI should not be sent on the claim if it is the same as the billing provider NPI.


Follow the steps below to remove the service location NPI:

  1. Click Settings > Service Locations. The Find Service Location window opens.
  2. Look for and double click the service location to open. The Edit Service Location window opens.
  3. Locate the NPI field and remove the NPI.
  4. Click Save.

Then, rebill and resubmit all affected claims when ready.
