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Tebra Help Center

Automated Patient Billing Activity

Updated: 11/09/2021
Views: 2596

Users with the System Administrator and/or Biller web role(s) can access the Automated Statements Activity page that allows you to review automated statement logs for specific patients, delivery methods, statuses and types. 

Navigate Automated Statements Activity

  • Hover over the Billing icon on the top menu and click on Automated Patient Billing. The Automated Patient Billing page opens then click Statements Activity. The Automated Statements Activity page opens.
    1. Use the drop-down menu options to filter automated statement activity logs.
      • Delivery: Defaults to All methods. Click to select Email, Text, or Mail.
      • Type: Defaults to All. Click to select First Statement, Reminder 1, Reminder 2, Reminder 3, or Final Reminder
        Note: Each statement type relates to each day of the automated patient billing pre-set schedule (e.g., First Statement relates to Day 1, Reminder 1 relates to Day 3). 
      • Since: Defaults to < 30 days ago. Click to select a different time period.
    2. Search: Quickly find a patient's automated statement activity by Patient name.
    3. Each listed automated statement log shows the date sent, patient name, dollar amount due, delivery method(s), status, type, and additional actions. 
      • To access the patient's chart, click the patient name.
      • To access the patient's Demographics page or exclude the patient from automated patient billing moving forward, click the more options icon under the Actions column.


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