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Tebra Help Center

Report Filters

Updated: 01/08/2025|Views: 57

For practices that exceed the maximum number of total records for a report (e.g., 10,000 records for the Insurance Collections), it is recommended to add filters to effectively utilize the search, sort, group, aggregation, and export report features. Without applying filters to reduce the number of total records, these report features will only apply to the records that have generated on the report. All records outside the maximum number of records generated on the report will be excluded.

Add Report Filters

  1. Click the filter icon or click OPEN FILTERS on the bottom message banner. The Filters options expand.
  1. Click to add a primary filter (e.g., Insurance Company, Rendering Provider, Service Location) to reduce the amount of records.
    Note: Secondary filters are indicated with a green dot, and when added, will only apply to the maximum number of records that have generated on the report. The secondary filter will not apply to the records outside the maximum number of records that have generated.
  1. Depending on the primary filter added, click to select the available option(s). Then, click the arrow located on the left side of Filters to exit the filters and the data refreshes.
  1. Continue to add primary filters until the number of records displays and the bottom message banner no longer displays. Once the number of records is below the maximum amount, the search, sort, group, aggregation, and export report features will apply to all records generated on the report.
    Note: The filters no longer differentiate primary filters from secondary filters (indicated with a green dot). All filters now apply to all records generated on the report.
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