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Tebra Help Center

Generate QRDA III

Updated: 06/23/2023|Views: 2222

Tebra’s Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) solution enhances quality measure reporting to ensure electronic quality measure (eCQM) reporting is intuitive and optimized for maximum reimbursement. Generate a QRDA III file from the Quality Measure Report to attest at Use reports with the status of Complete for submission to avoid calculation errors.


  • Tebra deletes generated QRDA III files after a 3 year retention period. After the QRDA III files are downloaded, save them for audit purposes.
  • CQMsolution automatically ends the session after 15 minutes of inactivity. If CQMsolution ends due to inactivity, close the page and access CQMsolution again through Tebra. Queued reports continue to generate when the session ends.
  • When users are done running or viewing reports, logout of CQMsolution to end the session or log out of Tebra to end both sessions.

Access Quality Report

Generate a Quality Measure Report before proceeding.

  1. Hover over the Clinical icon and click on Quality Measures. The Quality Measures page opens.
  2. Click Open Quality Measure Report. The Queued Reports page opens in a new browser.
  3. Click View Results. The Quality Measure Report page opens.
    Note: To avoid calculation errors, the report status must be Complete.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: If the report status indicates a problem has occurred, contact Customer Care for further assistance.

Download QRDA III

  1. Click the Detail tab. The Detail tab opens.
  2. Click Download and select Download QRDA III MIPS Individual.
    Note: If the option is not available, contact Customer Care to request access to the QRDA III MIPS Individual report for provider(s).
  3. Once the download is complete, save the XML file. The QRDA III MIPS Individual file is now ready to submit to and marked as submitted in CQMsolution.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: Save downloaded QRDA III files for audit purposes.



Submission Status

After the QRDA III MIPS Individual file is successfully uploaded using, mark the status of the report as submitted.

  1. From the Queued Reports page, click the notepad icon of the submitted report. The Submission Status/Notes pop-up window opens.
  2. Click to select "Submitted".
  3. Enter applicable notes.
  4. Click Save changes when finished.
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