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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Patient Intake Settings

Updated: 01/31/2024|Views: 14757

The Patient Intake settings page allows you to print intake forms, create custom forms, as well as attach additional intake forms for additional information. Systems administrators and office administrators may view and edit the Patient Intake settings page.

Available for Engage subscribers.

Access Patient Intake Settings

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Patient Intake. The Patient Intake settings page opens.

Navigate Patient Intake Settings

  1. Print Forms: These blank forms reflect the fields that patients fill out and submit electronically. The practice name and practice address will be included on the top left-hand corner of the blank forms and includes the following sections:
    • Basic Information
      Note: The patient intake form in print/PDF format does not include the "Specific Race" field due to space limitations.
    • Demographics
    • Emergency Contact
    • Financial Information
    • Additional Information
  2. Send sample patient intake to my email: Click to preview the email patients will receive. The sample will go to the email address associated with the logged in user's account.
  3. Active Forms: See all available active consent forms in alphabetical order. Click the more option icon to edit, preview, duplicate, or archive the form.
  4. Archived Forms: Click to view archived or restore forms.
  5. + New Custom Form: Create custom forms to send electronically with the Patient Intake.
  6. + Add Form: Optionally, attach up to 10 additional forms for patients to download, print, fill out, and bring to the appointment. These forms will be available for the patient to download upon submitting their electronic patient intake information.
    • Forms uploaded to this page will apply to all providers in the practice who subscribe to Engage.
    • To change the title of a form, or remove a form document, click on the form line item to open the Edit Form window.
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