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Tebra Help Center

Print Daily Schedule

Updated: 09/27/2023|Views: 4943

Print the Daily Schedule from the Dashboard or Calendar to view a summary of appointments and patient information for the day. 

Print From Dashboard

  1. Hover over the Platform icon and click on Dashboard. The Dashboard opens.
  2. Click Print and select Daily Schedule. The web browser's printer function opens. 
  3. Print the daily schedule using the web browser's functions.

Print From Calendar

The daily schedule prints all appointments based on the filter(s) selected in the Day view.

  1. Hover over the Platform icon and click on Calendar. The Calendar opens.
  2. If necessary, click the Day tab. The day view opens.
  3. Click Print and select Daily Schedule. The Daily Schedule page open.
  1. Click Print. Then, use the browser's print function to generate the schedule.
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