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Can I link to an e-commerce site on my Practice Growth website?

Updated: 06/22/2023|Views: 259

Practice Growth does not support building and managing e-commerce/online stores on our platform, however, we can provide the following to customers that already have an online store or want to begin selling products online:

  • Link to an external e-commerce site with its own domain (i.e. Shopify, Squarespace, Magento, etc.)
    • Practice provides a separate link to Practice Growth
    • Practice Growth will link from the main navigation bar or a homepage module to a product-focused site with payment options that is hosted outside of the primary domain
  • Create a 123ContactForm for a very simple ‘ecommerce’ content page on the Practice Growth website that allows payment info
    • Practice Growth creates a form for the practice
    • Practice sends us their payment processing information (i.e. PayPal account) so that Practice Growth/123ContactForm can connect anything submitted through the form to PayPal
    • In some cases, Practice Growth can add an iframe to a content page to embed a separate product-focused domain.
  • If an existing website already includes an online store within the site and the practice does not want to build a separate e-commerce site, the following steps may be followed:
    • Practice contacts whoever built the existing website and asks that any content unrelated to selling products be removed. Essentially, the full website is stripped down to a product-only site.
    • Practice purchases a subdomain (i.e. or, etc.). The subdomain will take over this stripped down, product-focused site. The subdomain needs to be hosted and managed by the practice or another 3rd party, not Practice Growth.
    • The Practice Growth site will launch with the primary domain. The Practice Growth site will link to the subdomain where patients can purchase products.


And many more!

Things to know

  • It is each customer’s responsibility to perform due diligence if they choose to build an online store through an e-commerce provider:
    • Always read the terms and conditions and payments terms of service
    • Verify the payment gateway being used supports the products being sold
    • It is the responsibility of each practice to build and manage their online store(s). It is not within Practice Growth’s scope to set up online stores through any of these e-commerce sites.


Practice Growth can embed a form (via iframe) or link out to a landing page by 123ContactForm.

Practice Growth has an account with 123ContactForm and can create a form for patients to fill out when they go to make purchases online. Practice Growth can work with the practice on what they want the form to specifically include and look like (within design limitations).

Practice sends us their payment processing information (i.e. PayPal account) so that Practice Growth/123ContactForm can connect anything submitted through the form to PayPal.

*PayPal is typically recommended since it’s easy to setup and inexpensive

Practice Growth puts the form into an iframe that is embedded on a content page

Things to know

  • Recommended for very simple “shops” or online bill pay.
  • Images can be added to the form however it will not have the same aesthetic appeal as better known e-commerce sites. Design capabilities are limited to what 123ContactForm can provide.

Please contact Practice Growth for specific examples.

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