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Tebra Help Center

Keyboard Shortcuts

Updated: 04/19/2023
Views: 5811

To help speed data entry, several keyboard shortcuts are available for performing some of the more common functions within the Desktop Application (PM).

Shortcut Key Function Corresponding Menu or Taskbar Option
Esc Cancels or closes an open window. Click Cancel on the bottom taskbar, or the X on the upper right, of an open window. 
F1 Launches online Training Resources. Click Help > Training Resources.
Shift+F1 Launches the Kareo Support Website. Click Help > Kareo Support Website.
F2 Opens the New Patient window. Click Patients > New Patient.
F3 Opens the New Appointment window.  Click Appointments > New Appointment.
F4 Opens the New Encounter window. Click Encounters > New Encounter.
F5 Opens the New Payment window. Click Encounters > Receive Payment.
F6 Opens the Scan Document window. Click Documents > Add Document from Scanner.
F7 Opens the Find Patient window. Click PatientsFind Patients.
F8 Opens the Find Appointment window. Click Appointments > Find Appointment.
F9 Opens the Find Encounter window. Click Appointments > Find Appointment.
F10 Opens the Find Payment window. Click Encounters > Find Payments.
F11 Opens the Find Document window. Click Documents > Find Documents.
F12 Opens the Find Task window. Click Tasks & Messages > Find Tasks.
Shift+F12 Opens the Messages window. Click Tasks & Messages > View Messages.
Ctrl+S Saves any changes made in an open record. Click Save on the bottom taskbar of an open record.
Ctrl+L Locks the Desktop Application (PM). Click Practice > Lock.
Ctrl+Shift+C Opens the Find Claim window. Click Encounters > Track Claims Status.
Ctrl+Shift+D Opens the Daily Calendar window. Click Appointments > Daily Calendar.
Ctrl+Shift+W Opens the Workweek Calendar window.  Click Appointments > Workweek Calendar.
Ctrl+Shift+K Opens the Weekly Calendar window. Click Appointments > Weekly Calendar.
Ctrl+Shift+M Opens the Monthly Calendar window.  Click Appointments > Monthly Calendar.
Ctrl+Shift+N Opens the New Message window.  Click Tasks & Messages > New Message.
Ctrl+Shift+O  Opens the Select Practice to Open window (when there are multiple practices within the Kareo account). Click Practice > Open.
End Advances to the last record listed on the current window. N/A
Home Returns to the first record listed on the current window. N/A
Page Down Advances to the next window of listed records. Click the right arrow on the lower right of the bottom taskbar of an open window.
Page Up Returns to the previous window of listed records. Click the left arrow on the lower right of the bottom taskbar of an open window.
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