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Tebra Help Center

Export EDI 837 File

Updated: 03/04/2021
Views: 9662

You can export or batch export and save an EDI 837 (ANSI X12 837P/I) file for electronically submitted encounters. EDI files can often be used with third party analytical applications and reporting. 

Export  837

  1. Find the encounter then double click to open. The Edit Encounter window opens.
  2. Click Export 837 on the bottom of the window. The Save As dialog box opens.
  3. Save the file to the desired location. 

Batch Export 837

In order to batch export 837 data, all claims within that batch must have been submitted electronically at least one through Kareo. 

  1. Click Encounters > Claims (837) Export. The EDI 837 Data Export window opens. 
  1. Enter the information.
    • The claims batch Billed Date Start and End.
    • To select a specific payer, click Insurance. Otherwise, leave as All Insurance Companies.
  2. Click Ok. The Save As dialog box opens.
  3. Save the file to the desired location. 


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