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Generate Paper Remit from ERA

Updated: 06/24/2022
Views: 10124

CMS provides a free tool for Windows operating systems called Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP). The MREP application can import ANSI 835 files and generate remittance advice information for printing. If you have received an electronic remittance advice (ERA) from a primary payer but need a paper remittance advice for a specific patient (e.g., to bill a secondary payer), MREP can be used to view and print that remittance advice information from the ERA  ANSI 835 text file (*.txt). 

Note: You are solely responsible for ensuring that your use of third party products and services meets your requirements and those of all applicable laws. Kareo shall not have any responsibility or liability for or related to your use of any third party products or services.

Save ERA as ANSI 835 Text File

Review the information and follow the Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) download and installation instructions on the CMS website. Once installed, log into Kareo and follow the steps below. 

  1. Click Encounters > Clearinghouse Reports. The Find Clearinghouse Report window opens.
  2. Click the Electronic Remittance tab. The Electronic Remittance reports list displays.
  3. Find the ERA then double click to open it. The View Electronic Remittance Advice window opens. 
    Tip_Icon.pngTip: When there are numerous ERAs listed, use the Look For search bar to enter all or part of a keyword for the ERA. Then, click Find Now. To also include reviewed ERAs, click to deselect "Show unreviewed only".
  4. Click Save As on the bottom menu bar and save the ERA as a text file (*.txt) in a secure location. The ERA ANSI 835 .txt file is saved.
    Note: It is recommended to save the file in the secure directory created for MREP during the installation. Take note of the file location as it needs to be selected when using MREP to view and/or print the remittance information.

Use MREP to View/Print Remittance Advice

  1. Open Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP).
    • If it's the first time MREP is opened and/or there are no imported files yet, the NO REMIT FILES FOUND pop-up appears. Click OK to continue then proceed to step 2.
  2. Click Import. The Import ANSI x12 835 ERA window opens. Locate and select the ERA ANSI 835 .txt file. The file is imported and MREP displays the imported remittance(s) in the top section and the Claim List tab in the bottom section.
  1. Depending on the remittance information needed, click to select the specific patient claim(s).
    • To select all patient claims, click Check All on the bottom menu bar.
  2. Click the Claim Detail tab. The detailed remittance information displays for the selected patient claim(s). 
    • To print the information using the computer's print function, click Print on the bottom menu bar.


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