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Tebra Help Center

Customize Reports

Updated: 10/16/2024|Views: 9569

Desktop Application (PM) reports are initially displayed on-screen and are filtered by default options. In addition to having the ability to view these reports for a different date or date range, you can customize most reports by one or more custom filters to generate reports for specific providers, patients, service location, payer type, payer scenarios, etc. Once you have made customizations to a report, you can save the report settings to create a Saved Report.

Customize Report

  1. Click Reports then select the report to customize.
    Note: Report customization options vary depending on the report selected.
  2. Enter the appropriate date/date range or keep the default selected.
    • To use a preset date/date range, click the Date(s) drop-down arrow and select the date/date range.
    • To enter a custom date/date range, enter the As Of or From and To date(s).
    • To view the report based on the updated date/date range, click Refresh.
  3. Click Customize. The Customize Report window opens.
  4. Make the appropriate selections from the available customization options. Then, click OK. The report generates.
    Note: Most reports allow a selection of one or more filters. Available filters depend on the report being generated. Refer to Common Report Filters and Descriptions for more information.
    • To print the report, click Print.
    • To save the report as a file, click Excel or PDF.
    • To search for a keyword within the report, press Ctrl+F on the keyboard or click Find.
    • To create a saved report with the customizations, click Save Report.

Common Report Filters and Descriptions

Filter Name Description
A/R Age Limits the report by the A/R age range (e.g., 30 days, 60 days, 90 days).
Adjustment Code Limits the report by a specific adjustment code.
Appointment Reason Limits the report by an appointment reason (e.g., Counseling, Office Visit, Sick Visit).
Appointment Status Limits the report by an appointment status (e.g., Cancelled, Confirmed, No-Show).
Balance Limits the report by the balance range/service line balances due (e.g., $10+, $50+, $100+).
Balances to show / Show Balance Shows all balances or open/unapplied balances only.
Batch # / Encounter Batch # Open text box to limit the report by a specific batch number.
Collection Category Limits the report by a collection category (e.g., Collections, Current).
Columns The summarization method for the report (e.g., Month, Quarter, Year).
Contract Limits the report by contract if the practice has Contracts and Fees.
Date of Service Age Limits the report by age of service lines (e.g., 16-30 days, 31-45 days, 46-60 days).
Date Type Limits the report by the date type (e.g., Posting Date, Date of Service, Service Date).
Department Limits the report by a department if the practice has Departments.
Diagnose(s) Open text box allows to filter by more than one diagnosis code separated by semicolons and/or a diagnosis code range using a hyphen (e.g., M54.51; M62.83-M62.838; M54.59).
Encounter Status Limits the report by an encounter status (e.g., Drafts, Submitted, Rejected).
Group by / Group report by Groups the report by a grouping option (e.g., Provider, Service location, Payer Scenario).
Insurance Company Limits the report by a specific insurance company.
Insurance / Insurance Plan Limits the report by a specific insurance plan.
Patient Limits the report by a specific patient.
Payer Scenario Limits the report by a payer scenario (e.g., HMO, PPO, Commercial).
Payer Type Limits the report by a payer type (e.g., Insurance, Patient).
Payment Method / Payment Type Limits the report payment method (e.g., Check, Credit Card, Cash).
Procedure Code Limits the report by a specific procedure code.
Procedure(s) Open text box allows to filter by more than one procedure code separated by semicolons and/or a procedure code range using a hyphen (e.g., 99212; 99203-99205; 99214).
Provider Limits the report by a specific provider.
Referring Physician Limits the report by a specific Referring Physician.
Rendering Provider Limits the report by a specific rendering provider.
Resource Type Limits the report by a specific appointment Resource.
Revenue Category Limits the report by a revenue category (e.g., Category II, Category III, Medicine).
Schedule Style The style for printing appointments (e.g., Normal, Fixed Time Slots).
Scheduling Provider Limits the report by a specific scheduling provider.
Service Location Limits the report by a specific service location.
Sort By Sorts the report by a specific field of the report being generated.
Start Aging From Sets the date used for aging the receivables (e.g., Last Billed Date, Posting Date, Service Date).
Subgroup by Subgroup the report by a subgrouping option (e.g., Provider, Service Location, Payer Scenario).
Total All Receipts By Method for calculating the receipts for all providers (e.g., Payments Applied, Payments Received).
Transaction Type Limits the report by a transaction type (e.g., Charges, Adjustments, Receipts).
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