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Tebra Help Center

Customize Analytics Reports

Updated: 01/23/2025|Views: 79

System Administrators have the ability to customize reports (e.g., specify filters or hide/show specific columns) to fit the needs of the practice. Once the customizations are made, save the report as a customized report to share with all users in the practice with permissions or with other System Administrators only.

System Administrators can also edit the customized reports settings, update and save new customizations to an existing customized report, and delete a customized report.

Note: For practices also using the web platform, saved customized reports and any modifications made will also reflect in the web platform. Review Customize Reports for more information about customized reports in the web platform.

Create New Customized Report

  1. Navigate to the report:
    • For the All Appointments report, click Analytics > Appointments > All Appointments. The All Appointments report opens.
    • For the Missed Charges report, click Analytics > Appointments > Missed Charges. The Missed Charges report opens.
    • For the Insurance Collections report, click Analytics > Claims > Insurance Collections. The Insurance Collections report opens.
    • For the All Patients report, click Analytics > Patients > All Patients. The All Patients report opens.
  2. Customize the report to display the needed data and click the refresh icon to refresh the data as necessary.
    Note: Data grouping and aggregation does not save for customized reports.
  3. Click Table Actions and select Create new report from the drop-down menu. The New Report information displays.
  1. Name and Description: Enter the name and brief description for the customized report.
  2. Share Report: Click to select who can access the customized report.
    • Across Practice: All users with permissions can access the report but only System Administrators can edit it.
    • Only System Admins: Only System Administrators can access and edit the report.
  3. Click Save when finished. The customized report is created and available under Saved Analytics.

Edit Customized Report

System Administrators can edit a customized report name, description, and who can access the report.

  1. Click Analytics > Saved Analytics. The Saved Analytics window opens.
  1. Find the customized report that needs to be edited and click the name to open. The customized report opens.
  1. Click the edit icon. The Update Report information displays.
  1. Edit the report information as necessary.
  2. Click Save when finished.

Update Customized Report Settings

System Administrators can update a customized report to change what data to include and how it displays.

  1. Click Analytics > Saved Analytics. The Saved Analytics window opens.
  2. Find the report that needs to be updated then click the name to open. The report opens.
  3. Customize the report to display the needed data.
    Note: Data grouping and aggregation does not save for customized reports.
  4. Click Table Actions and select Save report. The Update Report Settings? confirmation pop-up appears.
  5. Click Confirm to save the customization.

Delete Customized Report

System Administrators can permanently remove a customized report (for all users with access) when the report is no longer applicable for the practice.

  1. Click Analytics > Saved Analytics. The Saved Analytics window opens.
  2. Find the report that needs to be deleted then click the name to open. The report opens.
  3. Click Table Actions and select Delete report. The Delete Report? confirmation pop-up appears.
  4. Click Confirm to permanently delete the report.
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