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Tebra Help Center

Electronic Claims: Rebill One Line of Service

Updated: 12/01/2022
Views: 5555

A single claim (service line) of an encounter can be rebilled and submitted electronically from the Find Claim window. For information about rebilling claims, review Rebill Claims.

Rebill Single Claim

  1. Find the claim and click once to select it.
    • To review more claim details first (e.g., transaction history), double click to open the claim. The Edit Claim window opens. Review the claim details and when ready, click Action > Rebill. The Transaction panel opens. Proceed to step 3.
  2. Right click (or click Action) > Rebill. The Transaction panel opens on the bottom of the window.
  3. Enter the information:
    • Type: Auto-populates with 5 - Rebill.
    • Notes: Internal notes related to rebilling the claim that will display when viewing transaction line details.
  4. Click Apply. The Would you like to rebill all claims associated with these Encounters? pop-up appears. 
  5. Click No to only rebill this claim. The claim status updates to Ready to send claims

Then, submit the claim when ready.

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