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Tebra Help Center

Submit Electronic Claims

Updated: 09/28/2023|Views: 29196

Electronic claims (e-claims) can be submitted at any time. To ensure your practice is set up and ready to send e-claims successfully, review the Electronic Claim Submission Checklist.

Submit Electronic Claims (E-Claims)

  1. Click Encounters > Track Claim Status. The Find Claim window opens.
    icon_tip.png Tip: For faster navigation, press Ctrl+Shift+C on the keyboard.
  2. Click the top left drop-down arrow and select Ready to submit electronic claims
  3. Click Find Now. The list of claims ready to be sent electronically display.
  4. Review the list of claims then click Submit E-Claims. The Submit Electronic Claims - Step 1 window opens.
  1. If necessary, enter the following information to select specific claims to submit electronically. 
    • Start and End Date: To submit claims within a specific service date range, enter the dates.
    • Insurance: To submit claims for a specific payer, click Insurance to search and select the payer.
    • Patient: To submit claims for a specific patient, click Patient to search and select the patient.
    • Payer Scenario: To submit claims for a specific payer scenario, click the drop-down arrow and select the payer scenario.
  2. When ready, click Submit Claims. The Submit Electronic Claims - Step 2 window opens indicating the claims are being analyzed. Then, the Submit Electronic Claims - Step 3 window opens to confirm the claims have been submitted.
  1. Click OK. Once e-claims are submitted, the status of the claims update to Pending insurance on the Find Claim window until a response (e.g., rejection, payment) is received or a claim action is taken.
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