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Release Notes January 2021

Updated: 01/20/2021
Views: 1960

On January 21, 2021, your Kareo account will be upgraded to the latest version.




Stripe Credit Card Terminal

Customers with Kareo Patient Collect (KPC) activated can consolidate their payment processors for front office and back office into one solution with the Stripe credit card terminal. The Stripe terminal also enables contactless payments, including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Review Stripe Credit Card Terminal for details and setup information

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Billing General Improvements

  • Effective January 15, 2021, in light of the foregoing increased security risks and potential compatibility issues, Kareo no longer supports devices running Windows 7. For more information, review the Windows 7 End of Support FAQs.
  • 2021 Annual Code Update: Kareo was updated with the new code sets that go into effect January 1, 2021. 
    • Medicare Fee Schedule (RVU, GPCI, and Conversion Factor)
    • HCPCS Level I and II
    • COVID-19 CPT

     Visit the AMA and CMS websites for more general information about the 2021 CPT Code SetCOVID-19 CPTHCPCS, and Fee Schedules.

Billing Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where NDC numbers did not populate on encounters created from submitting superbills
  • Fixed an issue where the ICD Official Name reflected the Local Name
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to access User Accounts
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to approve encounters
  • Fixed an issue where users could not unapprove encounters with applied patient payments that have not yet been billed
  • Fixed an issue where some ERA files were missing
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to log into Kareo
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to process a credit card payment
  • Fixed an issue where email patient payment receipts did not include the confirmation number

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MIPS: Query of PDMP Bonus

MIPS eligible clinicians can receive 5 bonus points when they conduct a query directly with a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) for prescription drug history. The query consist of at least one Schedule II opioid electronically prescribed using CEHRT during the performance period.

Note: PMDP queries have not been implemented in Kareo. To qualify for the bonus, the query must be conducted directly with the PDMP.

Claim Bonus

  1. Hover over the Clinical icon and click on Medicare Promoting Interoperability (MIPS). The Medicare Promoting Interoperability (MIPS) page opens.
  2. Select Yes from the Bonus: Query of PDMP drop-down.
  3. Click Update to refresh the score.

CMS EHR Certification ID

With the implementation of CQMsolution and updated certification for 2020, Kareo now has two CMS EHR Certification ID available on Certified Health IT Product List.

For 2020 attestation, MIPS eligible clinicians use Kareo EHR Version 4.0 and Updox to generate the CMS EHR Certification ID of: 0015EY2EWE0VBT9. Kareo4.0_CertID.png
For 2021 attestation, MIPS eligible clinicians use Kareo EHR Version 4.1, Updox, and CQMsolution Version 6.0 to generate the CMS EHR Certification ID of: 0015E3AYS7JJF0V. Kareo4.1_CertID.png

Clinical General Improvements

  • Effective January 21, 2021, Kareo will no longer support the E/M Calculator in the superbill. On January 1, 2021, CPT and Medicare’s 2021 update went into effect, resulting in rule changes impacting the way office visits are determined. These changes include the removal of code 99201 and no longer taking into account History & Exam when selecting the proper level office visit code, resulting in a simpler calculation process. For more information on the recent CPT & Medicare updates, review 2021 Office Visit Code Selection.

Clinical Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when enter special characters (e.g., apostrophes) in the Plan section for a note
  • Fixed an issue where the user's email displays when completing an allergy reconciliation
  • Fixed an issue where the total prescription quantity sent to Surescripts was incorrectly calculated
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to renew an eRx request, change a medication,
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to access the patient's facesheet
  • Fixed an issue where pharmacies did not receive new ePrescriptions
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to ePrescribing controlled substances
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to open a patient referral
  • Fixed an issue where providers were unable to select refill amounts for Schedule III-IV controlled substances
  • Fixed an issue where providers were unable to prescribe partial quantities of Suboxone films
  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to open a treatment plan
  • Fixed an issue where the Quality Measure Report for CMS 69 - Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-up Plan did not include all eligible patients in the denominator

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Engage General Improvements

  • Consent Form is now known as Custom Forms. Practices can create customized forms to meet their needs using formatted content, questions, and allowing the patient to sign electronically.


Stripe Credit Card Terminal

Customers with Kareo Patient Collect (KPC) activated can consolidate their payment processors for front office and back office into one solution with the Stripe credit card terminal. The Stripe terminal also enables contactless payments, including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Review Stripe Terminal: Purchase for details.
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Restrict Access to Patient's Financial Details

System administrators now have the option to hide transaction details and finances on the patient's Account page from providers and clinical assistants in a web browser.


  • If the Provider or Clinical Assistant has other roles (e.g., Biller) assigned to them, they are still able to view the patient's transaction details and finances.
  • This feature is not available for the mobile app.

Restrict Access

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit Practice page opens.
  1. Click to clear "Allow providers or clinical assistants to see financial details on patient's account".
  2. Click Save.

Provider and Clinical Assistant View

Once access to the patient's financial details are restricted, the transaction history and balance details in the patient's account is hidden.

  1. Open the patient's record.
  2. Click Account. The Account page opens.
  3.  View the patient's History and Guarantor details.


Mobile Resolved Issue

  • Fixed an issue where providers were unable to determine if a drug is a multipack
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