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Tebra Help Center

Release Notes July 2021

Updated: 07/21/2021
Views: 823

On July 22, 2021, your Kareo account will be upgraded to the latest version.


Note: There are no software updates that require installation for the Desktop Application (PM) in July.

Billing General Improvements

  • When collecting a payment, users can now:
    • Save a manually entered card on file with a nickname and comments/instructions.
    • Quickly determine the default payment card when the patient has multiple cards saved on file.

Billing Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where EFT files incorrectly routed to unrelated Kareo accounts
  • Fixed an issue where the Encounter Log was no longer capturing encounter and claim creation logs
  • Fixed an issue where procedure code official names and local names were transposed
  • Fixed an issue where custom adjustment codes were not listed in the Find Adjustment window
  • Fixed an issue where adding an accident date in the case condition would overwrite accident dates on all printed claims
  • Fixed an issue where the default payment card changes to a different card after edits are made in the text fields
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to view the next page of messages in the message center

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Clinical Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users received an error message when attempting to view the patient's facesheet or medication list
  • Fixed an issue where the patient's historical vaccine date shows one day prior when exported

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Engage Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to review patient intake documents due to special characters rendering instead of words

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Platform General Improvements

  • Manually mark the patient's payment card as authorized to indicate the patient agreement is on file.
  • When collecting a payment, users can now:
    • Save a manually entered card on file with a nickname and comments/instructions.
    • Quickly determine the default payment card when the patient has multiple cards saved on file.

Platform Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where the default payment card changes to a different card after edits are made in the text fields
  • Fixed an issue where users experienced latency or an error message when logging into and navigating in Kareo
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to view the next page of messages in the message center
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