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Tebra Help Center

Navigate All Appointments Report

Updated: 10/19/2023|Views: 1868

Access the All Appointments report to help increase practice productivity and reduce no-shows by analyzing each provider’s appointment volume and cancellation, reschedule, and no-show rate.

Access All Appointments Report

  • Hover over the Analytics icon and click Appointments. The All Appointments report opens by default.

Navigate All Appointments Report

The All Appointments report can be customized to include specific data and how the data displays.
Note: Customization of the report does not automatically save. Once a user navigates away from the report, the default report view displays when the report is accessed again. To save the customization, use the Save As New Report feature to save the report as a new customized report.

  1. Refresh Data: Click to refresh the appointments report data.
  2. Download CSV: Click to download the All Appointments report as a CSV file.
  3. Filters: By default, all appointments for the current day display.
    • To filter by specific criteria: 
      • Appt ID: Enter the appointment ID number.
      • Start Date and End Date: Enter or select a specific date range. 
        Note: The date range cannot be greater than 60 days.
      • Patient: Click the drop-down to start typing the patient name to select.
      • Provider: Click the drop-down to select one or more providers.
      • Appt Status: Click the drop-down to select one or more appointment statuses.
    • To reset the filters back to the default settings, click Reset Filters.
    • To view all available filters for additional customization, click All Filters.
  4. Columns: Customize the report to only display specific columns and in the preferred order.
    • To reorder the columns, click the column header then drag and drop in the preferred order.
    • To sort by ascending or descending, hover over the column header and click the arrow
    • To sort more than one column, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click to select the column(s).
    • To unsort, pin, hide or manage columns, hover over the column header and click the more options icon.
  1. Appointment Details: Displays the Appt IDAppt DateTimePatientHome PhoneMobile PhoneProviderService LocationAppt Reason, and Appt Status.
    • To open, view/edit the appointment details, click the Appt ID number.
    • To open and view the Patient Facesheet, click the Patient name
  2. Right side more options icon: To create a charge for the appointment, open to view/edit appointment details, or to update the appointment status, hover over and click the more options icon.
  3. Pagination: By default, each page displays up to 20 appointments.
    • To change how many appointments are displayed per page, click the Rows per page drop-down and select 102050, or 100.
    • To navigate forward or back, click the arrows.
  4. Save As New Report: If the report was customized to include specific data and how the data displays, click Save As New Report to save the report as a new customized report. 
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