Adult Preventative Care Flowsheet
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Updated: 06/23/2023 | Views: 1941
Assess a patient's health progress by reviewing historical observations and comparing them with the most recent values. This allows the provider to quickly identify any problems make necessary adjustments to the care plan.
Providers also has the flexibility of creating a flowsheet with the type of data and layout that makes sense for their practice.
Access Adult Preventative Care Flowsheet
- Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name in the top search box.
- Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
- Click Flowsheets in the left menu. The Flowsheet page displays.
- Click Flowsheet drop-down arrow > Adult Preventative Care.
- By default, the date range is set to 1 year.
- To change the date range, select a different pre-set date range or set a custom date range. Then, click Update to refresh the data.
Navigate Adult Preventative Care Flowsheet
- Data: The flowsheet is populated from recorded vitals, discrete paper lab/study results, or eLab results using specific LOINC codes. If vitals or lab observations have multiple values for the same day, the results will stack and ordered from most recent on top to oldest on the bottom. How data populates:
- Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, and BMI: Recorded vitals
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 6690-2 or 26464-8
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 789-8 or 26453-1
- Hemoglobin
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 718-7
- Hematocrit
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 4544-3 or 20570-8
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 787-2 or 30428-7
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 785-6 or 28539-5
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 786-4 or 28540-3
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 788-0 or 30385-9
- Platelets
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 777-3 or 26515-
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 32623-1, 776-5, or 28542-9
- Paper lab: CBC
- eLab: LOINC Code 58413-6
- Glucose
- Paper lab: CMP or Glucose
- eLab: LOINC Code 2345-7
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 3094-0
- Creatinine
- Paper lab: CMP or Creatinine
- eLab: LOINC Code 2160-0
- eGFR (Non-African American)
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 33914-3, 77147-7, 88294-4, or 48642-3
- eGFR (African American)
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 48643-1 or 88293-6
- BUN/Creatinine
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 3097-3
- Sodium
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 2951-2 or 77139-4
- Potassium
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 2823-3
- Chloride
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 2075-0
- Carbon Dioxide, Total
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 2028-9
- Calcium
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 17861-6
- Protein, Total
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 2885-2
- Albumin
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 1751-7
- Globulin, Total
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 10834-0, 2336-6, or 13536-8
- Albumin/Globulin
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 1759-0
- Bilirubin, Total
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 1975-2 or 14631-6
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 6768-6 or 1783-0
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 1920-8
- Paper lab: CMP
- eLab: LOINC Code 1742-6 or 1744-2
- Total Cholesterol
- Paper lab: Lipid Panel or Total Cholesterol
- eLab: LOINC Code 2093-3
- Triglycerides
- Paper lab: Lipid Panel, Total Cholesterol, or Triglycerides
- eLab: LOINC Code 2571-8
- Paper lab: Lipid Panel, Total Cholesterol, or HDL
- eLab: LOINC Code 2085-9
- Paper lab: Lipid Panel, Total Cholesterol, or LDL
- eLab: LOINC Code 13457-7 or 18262-6
- Paper lab: Lipid Panel
- eLab: LOINC Code 9830-1
- Pap Smear
- Mammogram
- Dexascan
- Dates: The dates correspond with the recorded vitals date, eLab results date, and paper lab/study created/performed dates.
- Lab Results: Access supplementary details when reviewing a patient's flowsheet.
- Click on a lab result value. The lab details pop-up window opens.
- Available details pulled from the corresponding lab results: Date/Time, Status, Value, Normal Range, Lab Comments, and Lab.
- To view the lab, click Open Order. A new browser tab opens to the associated lab.
- Screening Results: Access supplementary details when reviewing a patient's flowsheet.
- Click on check mark icon. The study details pop-up window opens.
- Available details pulled from the corresponding lab results: Date/Time, Name, Status, and Internal Comment.
- To view the study, click Open Order. A new browser tab opens to the associated study.
Note: LOINC codes are used to map eLab results to the Flowsheets. These codes will not be visible in Tebra.