Clinical Patient Management
The patient's chart opens to the Facesheet, which displays a summary of active medications, recently recorded vitals, active problems, and current history information. The page also provides access to all the areas necessary for charting your patient's visits. Learn how to add a new patient, navigate the patient's facesheet, and more from the help articles below.
- History
- Add, Edit, or Delete Custom Item
- Document Family History
- Document Hospice History
- Document Hospitalization or Procedure History
- Document Implantable Devices
- Document Long Term Care Facility
- Document OB and Pregnancy History
- Document Past Medical History
- Document Past Surgical History
- Document Social History
- Navigate Patient History
- Treatment Plans
- Complete Treatment Plan
- Create or Use Text Shortcut Within Treatment Plan
- Create Treatment Plan
- Mark Treatment Plan as Error
- Patient Experience: Sign Treatment Plan in Patient Portal
- Share or Remove Treatment Plan on Patient Portal
- Treatment Plan Within Notes
- Edit or Update Treatment Plan
- View Treatment Plan History