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Tebra Help Center

Add Vitals

Updated: 06/09/2023|Views: 2722

Record the patient's vitals through the Vitals tab or through a clinical note. When vitals are recorded through the Vitals tab, they may be edited within 24 hours of the initial entry. When vitals are recorded through a clinical note, they may be edited until the note is signed.

Access Patient Vitals

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Vitals. The Vitals page opens.

Vitals can also be recorded through the clinical note.


Add Vitals

  1. Click + Vitals. The New Vitals pop-up window opens.
  2. Populate the patient's vitals:
    • Recorded: Displays current date and time. If necessary, select a different date and/or time.
    • Blood Pressure: Enter the patient's systolic and diastolic pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
    • Heart Rate: Enter the patient's heart rate in beats per minute (bpm).
    • Respiratory Rate: Enter the patient's respiratory rate in respirations per minute (rpm).
    • Height/Length: Enter the patient's height or length in feet and inches. If necessary, enter partial inches up to a thousandth of a decimal point.
    • Weight: Enter the patient's weight in pounds and ounces. If necessary, enter partial ounces up to a thousandth of a decimal point.
    • BMI: Displays the patient's calculated body mass index based on the recorded height and weight.
    • Temperature: Enter the patient's temperate in Fahrenheit.
    • SpO2: Enter the patient's oxygen saturation as a percentage.
    • Inhaled O2: Enter the patient's inhaled oxygen concentration as a percentage.
    • Head Circ: When applicable, enter the patient's head circumference in inches. If necessary, enter partial inches up to a thousandth of a decimal point.
    • Weight-for-length percentile: For patients 0-36 months old, displays the patient's calculated weight-for-length percentile based on the recorded height and weight.
      Note: For patients older than 36 months, the field does not display.
    • Head circumference percentile: For patients 0-36 months old, displays the patient's calculated head circumference percentile based on the recorded head circumference.
      Note: For patients older than 36 months, the field does not display.
  3. Comment: Add any applicable notes.
  4. Click Save when finished.
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