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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Patient Immunizations

Updated: 03/18/2024|Views: 1959

Navigate Immunizations to manage the patient's administered vaccines. Review ordered, administered, or not administered vaccines.

Note: Combination vaccines appear as individual vaccines. Click on the administered date to view additional information about the combination administered.

Access Patient Immunizations

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Immunizations. The Immunizations page opens.

Navigate Immunizations

  1. Age Range: By default, the date range selected corresponds to the patient's current age.
    • To view vaccines administered for a different age range, click on the age range tab.
    • To view all documented vaccines, click the All tab.
  2. Print: Click to generate and print a list of the patient's immunizations.
  3. Export: Click to download a HL7 file of the patient's immunizations.
  4. + Vaccine: Click to order a new vaccine, document an administered vaccine, document a previous administered vaccine, or document the reason why a vaccine was not administered.
  5. CDC Recommendations: Click to view a PDF of the CDC recommended immunization schedule for Child & Adolescents (0-18 years) or Adults (19+ years) for the current year.
  6. Vaccine Settings: Click to document the patient's vaccine refusal or to set general Immunization Registry reminders.
  7. Immunizations: The recommended vaccines for the age range and additional documented vaccines displays. An administered date displays to indicate a vaccine was documented.
    • To view additional information or to edit, click the Administered Date.