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Tebra Help Center

Patient Education

Updated: 12/24/2024|Views: 2473

Patient Education is an integrated function that provides easy access and search capability to patient instructions related to each clinical encounter. Patient Education searches for accurate and up-to-date information based on the patient's sex, age, problems, diagnoses, medications, and labs. You can access Patient Education from the top of a patient's facesheet or from the Plan section of a clinical note.

Review documents sent to the patient's Patient Portal or printed in-office under the Patient Education tab in Documents.

Access Patient Education

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name in the top navigation search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click the More drop-down arrow and select Send Patient Education. The Patient Education pop-up window opens.

Select Patient Education

  1. Patient Education: Suggested documents related to the patient's problems, diagnoses, medications, and labs auto-populates. 
    • To find different documents, use Search, A-ZCategories, Age Range, or Sex.
      • Search Term: Populate a term and hit Enter on the keyboard to search.
      • A-Z: Click to select an alphabet letter or number to view all documents starting with the specific letter/number.
      • Categories: Click the Select Categories drop-down menu to view documents related to the category (e.g., Cardiovascular, Genetics, OB/Gyn, etc.)
      • Age Range: By default, the selected age range is based on the patient's date of birth. Click the drop-down menu to select a different age range (e.g., All Ages, Senior (65 and up), etc.).
        Note: Click on the Search bar to enable the option to select by age range.
      • Gender: By default, the selected gender is based on the patient's sex. Click the drop-menu to select Both Gender, Male, or Female.
        Note: Click on the Search bar to enable the option to select a different gender.
  2. Select Document: Hover over the document name and click the basket icon. The patient education is added to the cart. Repeat to add additional documents.
    • To preview the content, click on the document name. The preview opens in the right panel.
  3. Additional options:
    • Print Size: By default, M (medium) font size is select. To print with a bigger font size, click the Print Size drop-down menu to select L (large) or XL (extra large).
    • Comment: Click the note icon to include additional comments for the patient.

Provide Patient Education

  1. Provide documents by sending and/or printing the patient education.
    • To send the patient education to the Patient Portal, click the send icon. The Prescribed Patient Education confirmation window opens. The documents is now available in the patient's portal.
    • To print the patient education, click the print icon. The Prescribed Patient Education confirmation window opens and a PDF of the patient education opens in a new browser tab. Use the browser printer function to print the document.
  2. Click Close on the Prescribed Patient Education confirmation window.
  3. Click X to close the Patient Education pop-up window.