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Tebra Help Center

Enter Patient Profile Information

Updated: 05/23/2024|Views: 44956

The Profile tab on the patient Demographics page stores a patient's identifying information and contact data.

Note: The Tebra Patient ID is assigned by Tebra when the patient is created displays on the Profile tab and cannot be edited. This is the same patient ID that currently displays next to the patient's name on applicable windows in the Desktop Application (PM).

Access Demographics

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Demographics. The Demographics page opens.

Enter Profile Information

  1. Click Edit. The Profile editor opens.
  2. Populate patient identifying information:
    • Title: Select the patient's name prefix from the drop-down list. Available options: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Prof., or Rev.
    • Full Name: Enter the patient's First, Middle, and Last name. If applicable, select a suffix from the drop-down list. Available options: Jr., Sr., I, II, III, IV, or V.
    • Preferred Name: Enter the patient's nickname or preferred name. The name displays next to the patient's full name in the Profile page.
    • Date of Birth: Enter the patient's date of birth (DOB) or click the calendar icon to select from the date picker.
    • Previous Name: Enter the patient's previous First, Middle, and Last name, if applicable.
    • Maiden Last Name: Enter the patient's maiden last name, if applicable.
    • Marital Status: Select a martial status from the drop-down list. Available options: Annulled, Divorced, Interlocutory, Legally Separated, Married, Polygamous, Never Married, Domestic partner, or Widowed.
    • Pronoun: Select the patient's pronoun from the drop-down list. Available options: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them, Ze/Zir, Xie/Hir, Co/Co, En/En, Ey/Em, Yo/Yo, Ve/Vis, or select Other to enter the patient's specific pronoun.
    • Sex: Select the patient's sex from the drop-down list. Available options: Male, Female, or Unknown.
    • Gender Identity: Select the patient's gender identity from the drop-down list. Available options: Additional gender category or other, please specify, Choose not to disclose, Female, Female-to-male (FTM)/Transgender Male/ Trans Man, Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female, Male, or Male-to-Female (MTF)/Transgender Female/Trans Woman.
      • If Additional gender category or other, please specify was selected, a Comments field displays. Enter applicable notes.
    • Sexual Orientation: Select the patient's sex orientation from the drop-down list. Available options: Bisexual, Choose not to disclose, Don't know, Lesbian, gay or homosexual, Something else, please describe, or Straight or heterosexual.
      • If Something else, please describe was selected, a Comments field displays. Enter applicable notes.
    • MRN: Enter the patient's Medical Record Number (MRN).
    • SSN: Enter the patient's Social Security Number (SSN).
    • Driver's License: Select the driver license state from the drop-down list and enter the license number.
  1. Preferred Communication: Select the patient's preferred method of contact. Available options: Unknown, Mail, Phone, Email, or Patient Portal.
  2. Automated Patient Communication Preference: Select one or more methods that the patient prefers to receive communications. Available options: Email Reminders, Phone (Voice) Reminders, Phone (Text Message) Reminders, and Surveys.
  3. Address: Enter the patient's address and select if this address is a physical location or mailing address. If more than one address is populated, click to select "Primary" to indicate the address is the patient's main location.
    • Prior Address: If the patient has a new home address, click Copy as Prior Address to indicate the address is a Prior Address. The Home address fields are cleared for users to enter the patient's new address.
      Note: The option to copy a prior address is only available when the patient has a Home address populated.
  4. Phone Number: Enter at least one phone number for the patient. If multiple numbers are entered, click to select the "Primary" to indicate the number is the main contact number.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: Populate the patient's mobile number to prevent delays with patient communication and patient statement billing (Billing subscribers).
  5. Email address: Enter one or more email addresses for the patient. If multiple emails are entered, click to select the "Primary" to indicate the email is the main contact email.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: Populate the patient's email address to prevent delays with patient communication, eLab orders (Clinical subscribers), and patient statement billing (Billing subscribers).
  6. Disclosure Notes: Enter any applicable notes.
  7. Click Save when finished.