Navigate Patient Labs and Studies
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Updated: 03/27/2024 | Views: 6944
Labs/Studies displays the patient's orders and results for laboratory, diagnostic studies, and imaging. Lab results can be interfaced electronically from the performing laboratory facility through a process known as eLab. Results that are not electronically interfaced can be incorporated into Labs/Studies by entering discrete lab results, by scanning the paper result and uploading the image, or by entering results in the comments field. Discrete lab entry forms only exist for labs on the commonly performed lab list.
Access Patient Labs/Studies
- Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
- Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
- Click Lab/Studies. The Labs/Studies page opens.
Navigate Labs/Studies
- +Create Order: Click to create a new lab or eLab order.
- To add a historical lab report, click the drop-down arrow and select Add Lab Report.
- Filters:
- Sort by: By default, the labs/studies is sorted by the Last Update date.
- Display: Click the drop-down arrow to show:
- All Orders: View all orders for the patient.
- Results Available: View labs that include results.
- Pending: View labs that need to be created, follow up, or results.
- Signed Off: View labs that with a status of Signed, Patient Notified, In Error, or Cancelled.
- Order Type: Click the drop-down arrow to show All, Paper, eLab, or Historical.
- Status: Colored icon indicates the lab or study status.
- Results Ready – eLab results have been received from the lab, or paper/historical lab results were manually entered.
- Needs Review – Lab results need review by the provider or clinical assistant.
- Reopened - Corrected lab results have been received for an order that was previously signed off.
- Needs Results - Paper lab order or historical lab awaiting manually added results.
- Needs Results – Stat - Paper lab order marked Stat by the ordering provider and awaiting manually added results.
- Needs Submission - eLab order that needs to be submitted to the lab.
- Needs Follow-Up - Patient needs to be contacted regarding lab order results.
- Pending - eLab order awaiting electronic results from the lab.
- Signed (green) - Lab results were signed off.
- Patient Notified - Lab results were signed off and the patient was notified.
- Canceled - Lab was ordered by mistake and marked as canceled.
- In Error - Lab was ordered by mistake and marked as error.
- Review/Open: Click to open the order for review.