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Tebra Help Center

Patient Experience: Tebra Reviews

Updated: 01/11/2024|Views: 1114

Sending automated patient surveys after each patient visit helps establish a provider's online reputation. The Post-Visit Survey is emailed to a patient when their appointment status is changed to Checked Out. Once a patient completes the survey, results will be available for the provider to review internally or is published to their provider profile.

System Administrators can set a star rating threshold for positive and negative reviews. If the patient selects a positive star rating review, they will be encouraged to leave a public review first with the option to leave private feedback. If the patient select a negative star rating review, they will be encouraged to leave private feedback first with the option to leave a public review.

Public reviews will automatically be publish to the provider profile and private feedback will be available for the practice to review internally.

Available for Engage subscribers.

Access Survey

  1. After the patient's visit, the patient receives an email requesting feedback.
  2. Patient clicks Start. The survey page opens.
    • To send a message directly to the provider, the patient clicks Reply to This Message. Providers can review the message in their Message Center and send a reply to the patient's email.
  1. Patient clicks to select star reviews and clicks Next. The positive review or negative review page opens.

Positive Review

When the patient selects a star rating that meets the positive review threshold, the leave a public review displays first with the option to leave private feedback.

  1. Patient clicks Leave Public Review. The review page opens.
  2. Patient enters their name, selects how their name displays, and enters their review.
  1. Patient clicks Submit review when finished. The review is automatically published to the provider's profile.

Negative Review

When the patient selects a star rating that meets the negative review threshold, the leave private feedback displays first with the option to leave a public review.

  1. Patient clicks Leave Feedback. The feedback page opens.
    • If the patient selects Leave Public Review, the review with a low star rating automatically publishes to the provider profile.
  2. Patient enters their name, selects how their name displays, enters their private feedback, and selects star ratings or options for the additional questions.
  1. Patient clicks Submit review when finished. The practice can review the feedback privately and publish the star rating to their provider profile, if applicable.