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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Message Center

Updated: 12/22/2023|Views: 13976

The Message Center allows users within a practice to communicate with each other and with patients. Create timely and targeted messages with custom email templates and patient groups, schedule batch email messages to be delivered on a future date, or communicate freely by sending personalized, on-demand messages. This interactive system lets patients reply directly to any communication they receive and delivers responses right to your inbox.

Access Message Center

  1. Click the envelope icon. The messaging summary window opens.
    Note: A red notification badge displays when new messages are received.
  2. Click See All Messages. The Message Center opens.

Navigate Message Center 

  1. Messages Settings — click to configure message notifications.
  2. Search messages by patient name or keyword.
  3. New Message: Click to send a new message to staff member(s), email a patient or patient group, or text  patient(s).
  4. My Inbox: Click a folder to view messages in the Inbox and filter messages as necessary. Available filters varies based on the selected folder.
    • Patients: Display messages sent from the patient responding directly to the user via emails, text, or Patient Portal
      • Filter by Status: View All or Unread
    • Staff: Display messages between the practice's staff members
      • Filter by Status: View All or Unread
  1. Location Inbox: Display email or text messages between a patient and a specific practice location. By default, users with an Office Staff role can view all emails and text messages between a patient and practice location. Providers can view messages between their patients and the practice location.
    Note: If applicable, providers and clinical assistants can enable the Location Related option in Settings to view all patient messages to the practice.
    • Filters: Use filters to view specific types of messages or for a specific location
      • Status: View All or Unread
      • Message Type: View All, Email, or Text
      • Location: View All or select a specific location
  2. New Leads: For Practice Growth activated customers, New Leads display messages sent from Web-to-Text, Call-to-Text, or a direct text message from a potential patient to the practice location.
  3. Additional Folders: Click to view additional messages. Available filters varies based on the selected folder.
    • Other: Displays New Appointment request, other reports, and announcements
      • Filter by Status: View All or Unread
    • Flagged: Display messages that were flagged
      • Filter by Message Type: View All, Email, Text, or Patient Portal
    • Queued: Display messages scheduled to be sent
      • Filter by Message Type: View All, Email, Text, or Patient Portal
    • Sent: Display messages that were sent by the user
      • Filter by Message Type: View All, Email, Text, or Patient Portal
    • Archived: Display messages that were archived
      • Filter by Message Type: View All, Email, Text, or Patient Portal
    • Hidden: Display messages between a patient to the practice location when the Location Related option is disabled in Settings
  4. Click to manage Message Templates or Patient Groups.

Navigate Messages

  1. Click a message to read more and reply.
    • Message preview displays the newest message.
    • Messages with multiple participants in the conversation are grouped into one thread with the newest message at the bottom of the message.
  2. Click the flag icon to indicate the message is important. Flagged messages display on the Dashboard under Outstanding Items and in the Flagged folder.
  3. Click the file box icon to remove the message from the inbox and move them to the Archived folder.
    Tip_Icon.png Tip: It is recommended to archive messages to remove them from the inbox since messages cannot be deleted.
  4. If applicable, click the Document ID to open attached documents.
  5. If applicable, click the patient's name to open their record.
  6. If applicable, enter a reply to the message.
    Note: Do not reply to patient's emails or text messages with PHI as this method is non-secure. Only replies to messages sent from the Patient Portal can include sensitive information.
  7. Add Reference: If applicable, attach document(s) or patient(s) when replying to a staff message.
    • Document: Click to attach previously uploaded documents or upload new documents. Each referenced document cannot exceed 10MB.
    • Patient: Click to search for and reference one or more existing patients.
  8. Click Send to reply to the message.
  9. To navigate forward or back, click the arrows.
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