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Tebra Help Center

Edit or Delete Document

Updated: 06/23/2023|Views: 7928

Entry information for an uploaded document can be modified or deleted from the practice's Documents page or from within a patient's chart. Deleting a document that is assigned to a patient will remove it from both the main Documents page and the patient's record.

Access Documents

  • Hover over the Platform icon and select Documents. The Documents page opens.
    Note: Patient documents can also be accessed in the patient's chart.

Edit Document

  1. Click Edit. The Edit Document pop-up window opens.
  2. Make changes to the document listing, as necessary.
    • Name: Change the name of the document.
    • Label: Select a new document type from the drop-down.
      Note: The label cannot be changed for documents originally set as a Summary of Care type file (e.g, Continuity of Care Received, Summary of Care Received, Summary of Care Sent, etc).
    • Status: Click to change the document status. Available status includes: New, In-Process, and Processed.
    • Date: If necessary, change the date associated with the document.
    • Patient: If a patient was previously added to the document listing, the patient's name will display and cannot be changed. Otherwise, a patient name can be entered and associated with the document.
    • Notes: Add or modify notes related to the document.
  3. Click Save when finished.

Delete Document

  1. Click Edit. The Edit Document pop-up window opens.
  2. Click Delete Document. The Message pop-up window opens.
  3. Click Yes to confirm. The file is removed from  Documents and the patient's Documents page, if applicable.
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