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Tebra Help Center

Add or Delete Lab List Test

Updated: 03/26/2024|Views: 4586

As part of the lab orders process, you can specify a default list of lab tests that clinicians can order or perform. Tebra provides a default list which you can customize to the needs of your practice by adding or removing lab tests.

Note: This list is specific to internal communications regarding lab orders within a practice, it is not used with electronic labs.

Access Lab List

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Clinical. Additional setting options expands.
  3. Click Lab List. The Lab List page opens.

Add Lab Tests

  1. Click New Lab. The Add New Lab pop-up window opens.
  2. Select a Category from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter a Name for the test.
  4. Optionally, enter a Description of the test.
  5. Click Save. The lab is added to the Lab List.

Delete Lab Tests

  1. To search for a lab test to delete, click on the headers to sort by Category, Name, or Description.
  2. Click to select the lab(s) to remove.
  3. Click Delete. The Confirm Changes pop-up window opens.
  4. Click Confirm. The lab test is removed from the Lab List.
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