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Tebra Help Center

Edit Practice Information and Preferences

Updated: 06/23/2023|Views: 4096

System administrators can edit the practice's location, contact information, preferences, birthday notifications, and upload a practice logo.

Access Practice Information

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit Practice page opens.

Edit Practice

  1. Practice Information: Make applicable changes.
    • Practice Name: To prevent billing rejections, the practice name should not exceed 60 characters, including spaces.
    • Address: To prevent billing rejections, the practice address must be a physical address with a valid 9-digit zip code. Go to the USPS website to find the valid 9-digit zip code.
    • EIN: If the practice is credentialed to bill using an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax ID, enter the number. If a provider is credentialed to bill using their social security number (SSN), enter the SSN in the provider's user settings.
    • Group NPI: If the practice is credentialed to bill using a Group National Provider Identifier (NPI), enter the NPI. To prevent billing rejections, verify the NPI entered in this field is a group NPI and not an individual NPI. Individual NPI numbers are entered in the provider's user settings.
  2. Practice Preferences:
    • Financial Details: To hide transaction details and finances on the patient's Account page from providers and clinical assistants in a web browser, click to clear "Allow providers or clinical assistants to see financial details on patient's account".
      Note: If the Provider or Clinical Assistant has other roles (e.g., Biller) assigned to them, they are still able to view the patient's transaction details and finances.
    • Self-Pay Only: To enable a streamlined self-pay only billing workflow for practices to create charges and collect money from patients or guarantors that are 100% responsible for the cost of their care, click to select "Self-Pay Only". Then, click Enable to confirm.
  3. Practice Logo: If applicable, upload a practice logo to display on the practice online scheduler (Engage Subscribers).
  4. Practice Notifications: To send automated birthday messages to patients from the practice, click to select "Send birthday messages to patients".
    • To disable birthday messages, click to clear "Send birthday messages to patients".
  5. Click Save when finished.
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