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Tebra Help Center

Lock Provider Account

Updated: 12/21/2024|Views: 2590

Provider user accounts cannot be removed, but they can be locked and made inaccessible to the system. Before a provider user account can be locked, all module subscriptions must be deactivated. Once the provider's module subscriptions have been canceled, the user account can be locked through the User Settings page. If necessary, the provider's user account can be unlocked at a later time.

Access User Settings

  1. Hover over the User icon and click Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click User Settings. The User Settings page opens.

Lock Provider User Account

Before a provider user account can be locked, all module subscriptions must be deactivated.

  1. Click Edit User to the right of the provider's name. The Edit Provider page opens.
  2. Click Lock User. The Lock Account pop-up window opens.
    Note: The option to lock the provider is only available when all module subscriptions are deactivated.
  3. Click to select "I confirm this action".
  4. Click Submit. The provider's user account is locked.
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