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Tebra Help Center

Navigate User Settings

Updated: 12/17/2024|Views: 1126

The User Settings page allows System Administrators to view and manage users in the practice. Each staff member in the practice who uses Tebra needs their own user account with a valid login email and password. From User Settings, System Administrators can quickly view the user's assign role(s), access the user's account to modify details, or lock/delete users if they should no longer access the practice.

Access User Settings

  1. Hover over the User icon and click Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click User Settings. The User Settings page opens.

Navigate User Settings

  1. + Add New User: Click to create a new provider or non-provider user to the practice.
  2. Search: Quickly find a user by their first name, last name, or email address.
  3. User Filters: Click to filter by selecting "Provider" or "Non-Provider" users.
  4. Locked Status: Click to filter "Locked" or "Unlocked" users.
  5. Provider: Alphabetically displays provider's names, subscribed modules (e.g., Clinical, Billing, Engage, Patient Experience, and/or Telehealth), email address, and user role(s).
  6. Non-Provider: Alphabetically displays non-provider's names, email address, and user role(s).
  7. Pagination: Click the arrows to navigate forward or back. Each page displays up to 10 users.
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