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Tebra Help Center

Deactivate Provider Account

Updated: 12/16/2024|Views: 6318

System Administrators can deactivate a provider. All of the data previously entered for a provider remains intact and can be accessed at a later time by reactivating the provider. Once a provider is added to your account, they cannot be deleted from the system. 

If you want to deactivate a provider, please make note of the following:

  • You must have at least one active provider within a practice for it to remain active. If this is the last provider in the practice, then the practice will also be deactivated.  
  • By deactivating this provider, you will not be able to create any new notes or submit new charges. If the practice is on the Plus or Complete subscription level, the provider’s appointments will no longer appear on the appointment calendars and you will not be able to run reports on the deactivated provider.
  • You will not be refunded a pro-rated subscription fee for a partial month.

Deactivate Provider

Review the Pricing & Billing Policies then create a case with the following information included in the description:

  • Provider name and user login email address
  • Module(s) to deactivate: Billing, Clinical, Engage, Patient Experience, and/or Telehealth

Once the provider's module subscriptions have been canceled, the user account can be locked through the User Settings page.

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