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Importance of Online Reviews

Updated: 06/22/2023|Views: 333

Online reviews are extremely important because they bring people to your practice website. If potential patients like what they see, online reviews lead to new patient appointments. The more positive online reviews you acquire, the more likely people are to book appointments with you because they trust other patients comments about their experience.

When someone hears about a practice from a friend, family member, or coworker, more often than not they will Google the business before booking an appointment. People do this so they can see what the average star-rating is, read through reviews, and determine if it meets their expectations. If it does, they will most likely continue to the website where they can fill out an appointment request form or call in.

Now let’s say someone doesn’t hear about a practice through a recommendation or direct search, but instead they do a broad search on Google [Santa Monica Cosmetic Dentist] and the practice organically appears on the first search engine results page. This is even more reason for people to read the reviews and assess the star-rating because no one they know went to this place. If they see their online reputation is in tip-top shape, the person is then likely to go to the site where they can fill out an appointment request form or call in.

What If I don’t have any online reviews?

The patient survey feature included with Foundation enables your practice to further enhance your online reputation. Within your Practice Portal, your practice can send out feedback requests via email to designated patients.

Please follow our quick reference guide here to get started today.

Keep in mind that reputation campaigns are meant to target your patients that call in to make appointments, not patients that book appointments online. This is because patients that book online automatically receive a Post-Appointment Feedback email, which asks them about their experience at your practice and prompts them to leave a review on your Google profile if it was positive.

Tip: Alert customers to expect a feedback survey following their appointment.

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