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Tebra Help Center

PatientPop Pro FAQs

Updated: 08/15/2023|Views: 557


General Pro License FAQs

Do all providers with a calendar need to be using Pro License?

Yes, all providers with their own calendar will need to be on the Pro License in order to utilize this solution.

Virtual Visit FAQs

Will the appointment confirmation and reminders have the visit link included?

Yes. Once scheduled appointments for virtual visits become available, a link will be included with the appointment.

For visits not scheduled through the Practice Portal, you can invite the patient from your practice portal by sending an invite via the practice portal (Practice Portal > Telehealth > Virtual Visits > Invite Patient) or simply send the patient to your practice website visit page (e.g.,

Can notes be added to the Practice Portal during a video visit?

No, but you can have the EMR pulled up at the same time to add notes.

How do I allow access to my mic / camera if it does not pop-up?

On your desktop or mobile web browser, select the padlock or camera / microphone icon next to the URL in your browser and verify the camera and microphone are set to Allow.

Are Virtual Visits mobile friendly?

Yes. Virtual visits are mobile friendly for both practice and patient. Please note that Chrome on iOS is not supported.

What browsers are supported?

  • Google Chrome (latest release version on Desktop and Android).
  • Firefox (latest release version).
  • Microsoft Edge (version 79+).
  • Safari 11 on macOS and Safari on iOS 11. See the Safari browser support page.
  • Opera (latest release version).

Note that when a patient lands on the visit page with an unsupported browser, they’ll see a message indicating which browser they should switch to to make it work.

When patients are in the waiting room, is there a way to “dismiss” or kick patients out of that waiting room?

No, visitors can’t be removed from the waiting room.

Do we let patients opt out of appointment reminders/confirmations and telehealth? If so, can I see who opted out?

Yes, patient’s can opt out. Opt out preferences are available on the appointment details page and will be included on the patient details page.

Will each provider have their own waiting room?

No. The waiting room is for the practice and all patients will be listed on

Where can I check the duration of a completed virtual appointment?

Appointment details page will have the appointment duration.

Are patients only sent the unique link to the virtual waiting room via text?

No. The email and text reminder just prior to the scheduled virtual appointment have the unique link to the waiting room, which will identify the patient and allow them to circumvent the check-in form.

Will patients receive the unique link via email?

Yes, the last reminder has the unique link for a scheduled appointment.

Text Messages FAQs

Who has the ability to send SMS?

Messages are location-based and anyone who has access to the Practice Portal can send these messages.

Who else can view text messages?

Text messages are only accessible to the practice accounts. All other accounts, including PatientPop employees, do not have access.

What happens if a patient tries to call the text message number?

An automated voice will ask them to call the practice phone number.

The number on the text messages includes an area code different from my own. Can I change this?

The area code associated with the text messages is random and cannot be customized.

How will I be notified of text messages from Patients?

Currently, you will need to sign in to the Practice Portal to view unread messages. Soon, notifications will be available and you will be given options to receive notifications via email, browser alert, or text messages.

If a patient consents for 2-way SMS, does that equally give consent to feedback surveys?


Can I continue a conversation with a patient via text prior to the patient providing consent?

You will be unable to send messages until the patient responds Yes to consent. Future versions will include an ability to queue your first message, which will be sent immediately after consent is received.

Can my practice send PDFs via text?

Not at this time – we currently only support incoming attachments.

Patients FAQs

Do I need to manually populate the Patients tab in the dashboard?

Once Pro is activated, we’ll automatically migrate all patients from all appointments stored in the platform (including any sync’d from an EMR) into practice contacts. It may take a couple of days, but no manual action is required.Also, you may add contacts at any time.

If a patient had previously opted out of text/email messages, will those preferences be carried over to their patient profile?

Yes, preferences will be carried over for all patients who have previously opted out of text/email communication.

Digital Registration FAQs

Where will the digital registration forms be saved once a patient completes registration?

In the Practice Portal, in the appointment record.

Can more questions be added to digital registration?

Yes, you can add more questions to the digital registration forms.

Will patients be able to digitally sign the patient registration forms?

Yes. The signature will be a checkbox plus submit button, which legally covers the “sign” requirement.

Notification FAQs

Where can I enter my mobile number and email address?

Go to User Avatar > Profile Settings > User Information to add your number and email address, along with updating your account name.

Once a validly formatted email address or phone number has been entered, the information can be saved.

Where can I choose which events for which I would like to be notified?

Go to User Avatar > Profile Settings > Notification Preferences and and select which notifications you’d like to turn one for your user account.

To change the preferences use the toggles for each medium and event. Note: at this time Text notifications are not available for “New Texts”, and Email notifications are not available for “Waiting Room” visitors.

How soon will I receive text messages for Waiting Room visitors?

As soon as a visitor enters the virtual waiting room, a text message will be sent to the mobile number for each user in the practice. This means that if there are multiple users within the same practice that have set their preferences to receive these notifications, they will all receive the same notification.

Will I receive multiple notifications for the same visitor?

No, only one notification is sent per visitor, but the same notification will be sent to each individual set up to receive notifications within the practice.

How often will I receive email messages for new texts?

Twice per day, at 7:00 AM Pacific and 3:00 PM Pacific the system will run a check to see if there are any unread text messages. If either is detected, and the user has toggled this preference to receive the email messages, an email will be sent to the user prompting them to check the portal for the unread messages.

Can I change my preferences?

Yes, the preferences can be changed at any time and will take effect immediately upon saving.

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