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PatientPop Pro Virtual Visits: How it Works

Updated: 06/22/2023|Views: 336

Welcome to PatientPop Pro, a reliable and convenient way to deliver quality care and manage critical front office tasks from anywhere with communications and telehealth features. Now that Pro has been enabled, you’ll notice three key additions to your dashboard: Messages, Retain, and the focus of this article: telehealth.

What is telehealth?

The telehealth feature within Pro enables you to have HIPAA-compliant video appointments with your patients. For your convenience, you are provided with a unique video link to send to your patients, and you and your patients can join virtual visits with one click.

How does telehealth work?

Inside the telehealth dashboard, you can access your virtual waiting room.

Inviting a patient to your video visit is simple.

  1. You can invite them through their email.
    • Or by copying your unique practice URL and sending it over text.
  2. Once your patient is in the waiting room, you can start the call.
    Tip: Both you and your patient will need to allow PatientPop audio and visual access. You can enable this using the pop up window.
  3. During the visit, you or your patient can disable your audio, disable your video, or end the call at any time.
  4. After ending your visit, you’ll find yourself back in your virtual waiting room and can begin your next call. Within the telehealth dashboard you can conveniently view any missed visits, view your visit history or resend your visit link to your patients.

With Pro, video visits are simple and convenient for you and your patients. If you have any additional questions about our telehealth feature, please contact the Customer Support team.

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