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Web User Roles and Permissions

Updated: 12/14/2023|Views: 15963

System Administrators can assign Web User Roles to manage how users access and utilize the web platform

Web User Roles and Descriptions

Below are the available roles and brief descriptions of each role.

System Admin Provider Clinical Assistant Office Staff Biller Business Manager
The staff member who configures the system and manages user accounts Providers who perform clinical tasks and are the rendering provider on claims Medical assistants and nurses who perform basic clinical tasks Front office and administrative personnel Office staff who are responsible for billing tasks Office staff who perform bookkeeping and accounting tasks

Web User Role Permissions

Below is a comparison of what each role can see and do within the web platform. Clinical Permissions, Billing Permissions, and Engage Permissions are available with module subscription.

Permissions System Admin Provider Clinical Assistant Office Staff Biller Business Manager
General Permissions
Manage Patient Demographics Y Y Y Y Y -
Manage Patient Appointments Y Y Y Y Y -
Messages Y Y Y Y Y -
Clinical Permissions
Manage Clinical Information Y Y Y Y - -
View Notes - Y Y - - -
View Signed Notes - Y - - - -
View Owner Notes Only - Y - - - -
Send/print prescriptions - Y - - - -
Manage Refills - Y Y - - -
View labs & studies - Y Y Y - -
Share labs & studies - Y Y - - -
Review and sign results - Y Y - - -
Billing Permissions
Manage charge entries Y - - - Y -
View claims status Y - - - Y -
View patient collections status Y - - - Y -
View payout report Y - - - Y Y
Billing Analytics Y - - - - Y
Engage Permissions
Manage online profile Y Y - Y - -
Manage surveys and results Y Y - - - -
View online directory results Y Y Y Y Y -
Manage patient broadcast communication Y Y Y Y - -
Manage patient intake Y Y - Y - -
Administrative Permissions
Manage Practice Information Y - - - Y -
Manage Insurance Y - - - Y -
Manage User Accounts and Subscriptions Y - - - - -
Manage Appointment Settings Y Y Y Y Y -
Manage Clinical Settings Y Y - - - -
Manage Demographic Import Y Y Y Y Y -
Manage Clinical Import Y Y Y - - -
Manage Security Policies Y - - - - -
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