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Tebra Help Center

Enter Canadian Address in a Patient Record

Updated: 02/25/2022
Views: 2040

Kareo supports United States and Canadian addresses. Below is an example of how to enter a Canadian address.

Enter Canadian Address

Example Address:
101 Shawville Blvd SE
Calgary, AB T2Y 3H9

  1. In the New Patient window, click Address. The Check Address pop-up window appears.
  2. Enter the following information under the Address details section.
    • Street (e.g., 101 Shawville Blvd SE)
    • City (e.g., Calgary)
    • State/Province: Use one of the following abbreviations.
      • AB - Alberta
      • BC - British Columbia
      • MB - Manitoba
      • NB - New Brunswick
      • NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
      • NS - Nova Scotia
      • NT - Northwest Territories
      • NU - Nunavut
      • ON - Ontario
      • PE - Prince Edward Island
      • QC - Quebec
      • SK - Saskatchewan
      • YT – Yukon
    • Zip/Postal Code (e.g., T2Y 3H9)
    • Country/Region (e.g., Canada)
  3. Click OK and continue entering the patient's General information.
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