Rejection Message
Drug Unit Count Code Qualifier is required and must be valid
Rejection Details
This rejection is due to a missing or an invalid Drug Unit Count Code Qualifier for procedure (CPT/HCPCS) codes with an 11-digit National Drug Code (NDC) number.
Valid Drug Unit Code Qualifiers:
- F2 - International Unit
- GR - Gram
- ME - Milligram
- ML - Milliliter
- UN - Unit
Follow the steps below depending on whether the NDC number was entered in the Procedure or Encounter record.
- If the NDC number was entered in the Procedure record:
- Find and open the procedure. The Edit Procedure window opens.
- Under the Drug Information section, click the Unit of measure drop-down arrow and select the appropriate qualifier.
Note: The MCG and MG qualifiers are only accepted on paper claims. When unsure, contact the payer to verify the required drug information to prevent further claim rejections.
- If necessary, update the Unit count.
- Click Save. Then, rebill and resubmit all affected claims when ready.
- If the NDC number was entered in the Encounter record:
- Click Encounters > Track Claim Status. The Find Claim window opens.
- Look for and double click the appropriate claim to open. The Edit Claim window opens.
- Double click the Encounter ID number. The Edit Encounter window opens.
- Under the UM column of the Procedures section, update the unit of measure to the appropriate qualifier.
Note: The MCG and MG qualifiers are only accepted on paper claims. When unsure, contact the payer to verify the required drug information to prevent further claim rejections.
- If the UM column is not displayed, customize the Procedures section to add the NDC column (which automatically adds the UC and UM columns as well).
- If necessary, update the unit count (UC).
- Click Save & Rebill. Then, resubmit all affected claims when ready.