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Customize Procedures Section

Updated: 10/02/2024|Views: 4982

The Procedures section of an Encounter record can be customized as needed for your practice.

Customize Procedures Section

  1. Click Customize under the Procedures section when creating a new encounter or editing an encounter. The Customization pop-up window opens.
    Note: The Customize button may not be available if the encounter layout and fields were previously customized. If the button is not available, right click in the Procedures section and select Customize.
    • To add a column, scroll through the list of available CMS-1500 or UB-04 columns to drag and drop to the desired location in the Procedures section. Alternatively, double click on each column to add then click the column header and drag to the desired location.
    • To remove a column from the Procedures section, click the column header then drag and drop in the Customization pop-up window.
  2. When finished, close the Customization pop-up window and continue with the encounter as necessary.

Professional (CMS-1500) Claim Format Columns

Column Header Description
From The beginning service date.
To The ending service date.
Procedure The procedure code.
Mod X The procedure modifier code(s).
Units The unit amount for the procedure.
Note: The Default Units can be set under the Procedure record.
Unit Charge The charge amount associated with the procedure (per unit).
Note: The default charge amount can be set under Contracts and Fees.
Total Charge The total charge amount automatically calculated (Units multiplied by Unit Charge) by Tebra.
Diag X The diagnosis code(s).
Apply Payment When a Payment Amount is entered under the Payment section of an Encounter record, all or part of that amount can be entered and applied at the service line level.
Patient Resp. The amount that is the patient's responsibility.
Note: This column is available when "Automatically bill patients for missed copays" is enabled under the Copay section of the Encounter Options.
Line Note The service line note when required for procedures billed electronically.
Note: Information entered as a Line Note on the Encounter record will display on the More Details tab of the Payment record to help distinguish one service line from another when posting the payment for the encounter.
Ref. Code The service line note reference code.
NDC The National Drug Code number.
Note: Once added to the Procedures section, two additional columns appear: UC and UM.
UC The unit count related to the NDC number.
Note: Appears when the NDC column header is added to the Procedures section.
UM The unit of measure related to the NDC number.
Note: Appears when the NDC column header is added to the Procedures section.
TOS The Type of Service code.
Concurrent Procedures Used for Anesthesia Services. The number of anesthesia cases a provider is involved in at the same exact moment in time when applicable.
Start Time The beginning service time.
End Time The ending service time.
Minutes Used for Anesthesia Services. Tebra automatically calculates the time in minutes based on the Start Time and End Time.

Institutional (UB-04) Claim Format Columns

Column Header Description
From The beginning service date.
Assessm Date /Assessment Date Used to capture the assessment date for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities and Swing Bed Providers.
Note: Tebra does not currently support these specialties. Contact the payer for specific instructions to submit this data using Occurrence Codes when it is required.
Procedure The procedure code.
Mod X The procedure modifier code(s).
Rev Code The revenue code associated with the procedure code that identifies the specific accommodation, ancillary service or unique billing calculations or arrangements.
Units The unit amount for the procedure.
Note: The Default Units can be set under the Procedure record.
Unit Charge The charge amount associated with the procedure (per unit).
Note: The default charge amount can be set under Contracts and Fees.
Total Charge The total charge amount automatically calculated (Units multiplied by Unit Charge) by Tebra.
Non Cov Chrgs / Non Covered Charges Charges not covered by the payer as pertaining to the revenue code.
NDC The National Drug Code number.
Note: Once added to the Procedures section, two additional columns appear: UC and UM.
UC The unit count related to the NDC number.
Note: Appears when the NDC column header is added to the Procedures section.
UM The unit of measure related to the NDC number.
Note: Appears when the NDC column header is added to the Procedures section.
Apply Payment When a Payment Amount is entered under the Payment section of an Encounter record, all or part of that amount can be entered and applied at the service line level.
Patient Resp. The amount that is the patient's responsibility.
Note: This column is available when "Automatically bill patients for missed copays" is enabled under the Copay section of the Encounter Options.
Concurrent Procedures Used for Anesthesia Services. The number of anesthesia cases a provider is involved in at the same exact moment in time when applicable.
Start Time The beginning service time.
End Time The ending service time.
Minutes Used for Anesthesia Services. Tebra automatically calculates the time in minutes based on the Start Time and End Time.
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