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Tebra Help Center

CLIA Number

Updated: 08/20/2021
Views: 14650

Follow the steps below to help prevent CLIA number rejections or denials for laboratory services.

Enter CLIA Number

The CLIA number is entered in the Service Location record.

  1. Find the service location that needs the CLIA number, then double click to open it. The Edit Service Location window opens.
  2. Enter the CLIA Number in the following 10-digit format: 12D1234567.
  3. Click Save.

Repeat for all service locations that require a CLIA number.


New Encounter

  1. Create a new encounter. The New Encounter window opens. 
  2. Enter the information as needed with the following in order to populate the CLIA number on the claim:
    Note: For paper claims, only payers with an Insurance Program of MB - Medicare Part B or MC - Medicaid print the CLIA number in Box 23 of the CMS-1500 claim form.
    1. Location: Click to select the appropriate service location that has a CLIA number.
    2. TOS: Verify the type of service 5-Diagnostic Laboratory is populated for a procedure code entered. If necessary, click to select the TOS.
      • If the TOS column is not displayed, customize the Procedures section to add the TOS column.
  3. When finished, do the following as necessary.
    • To perform a code check to validate the claim data against such coding rules dictated by Medicare, Medicaid, National Correct Coding Initiative Edits and other standard coding rules, click Check Codes.
      Note: This feature can also be enabled to automatically perform a code check upon encounter approval under the Encounter Options
    • To place the encounter under the Draft status (to be completed), click Save as Draft
    • To place the encounter under the Review status, click Save for Review.
    • To place the encounter under the Approved status and create claims associated with the encounter, click Approve.


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