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Tebra Help Center

Release Notes April 2024

Updated: 04/17/2024|Views: 2078

On April 18, 2024, your Tebra account will be upgraded to the latest version.


Patient Demographic Update

Providers now have the option to select the patient's pronouns.

Feature will be deployed to customers in phases starting April 24, 2024 and completed by end of May 2024.

Select Pronouns
  1. On the top menu bar, click Patients > Find Patients. The Find Patient window opens.
  2. Find the patient then double click to open. The General tab of the Edit Patient window opens by default.
  3. Select the patient's Pronouns. Available options:
    • He/Him
    • She/Her
    • They/Them
    • Ze/Zir
    • Xie/Hir
    • Co/Co
    • En/En
    • Ey/Em
    • Yo/Yo
    • Ve/Vis
    • Other (enter the patient's specific pronoun)
  4. Click Save when done.
  5. The patient's pronoun now displays next to the patient's name on applicable windows.

Billing General Improvements

  • Tebra was updated with the new HCPCS code sets released by CMS, effective April 1, 2024. Visit the CMS website for more information about HCPCS updates.

Billing Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where users received an error when attempting to access Saved and Delivered Reports


Clinical General Improvements

  • The patient's Facesheet now displays a service status alert. In the event of service downtime, a message displays with the date and time the data was last retrieved for each card. This update provides infrastructure changes that support stability as well as an improved user experience.

Clinical Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where refill medication requests were incorrectly denied for "patient name discrepancy"


Patient Demographics Update

Providers who supports gender-affirming care now has the option to enter the patient's preferred name and select their pronoun. Additionally, the Tebra Patient ID now displays in the web platform.

Note: The Language and Race fields have been moved to the Additional Info tab.

These updates will be deployed to customers in phases starting April 24, 2024 and completed by end of May 2024.

Update Patient Preferred Name and Pronoun
  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Demographics. The Demographics page opens.
  4. Click Edit. The Profile editor opens.
  5. Review Patient Demographics updates.
    • Enter the patient's Preferred Name.
    • Select the patient's Pronoun. Available options:
      • He/Him
      • She/Her
      • They/Them
      • Ze/Zir
      • Xie/Hir
      • Co/Co
      • En/En
      • Ey/Em
      • Yo/Yo
      • Ve/Vis
      • Other (enter the patient's specific pronoun)
  6. Click Save when done. The patient's preferred name displays next to the patient's name on the demographics page.
View Tebra Patient ID

The patient ID is assigned by Tebra when the patient is created. This is the same patient ID that currently displays next to the patient's name on applicable windows in the Desktop Application.
  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Demographics. The Demographics page opens.
  4. The Tebra Patient ID displays.
Example Desktop Application Patient ID

Tebra Payments

Tebra Payments General Improvements

  • Tebra Payments activated customers now have the ability to delete a patient's saved card on file on the Collect Payment page.

Tebra Payments Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect paid amount displays on receipts emailed to patients
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