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Tebra Help Center

Enroll for EPCS

Updated: 12/13/2024|Views: 82225

Providers must be enrolled for ePrescribing prior to requesting enrollment for electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS). The practice can complete the order form in-app to request EPCS enrollment for one provider or multiple providers at once for a one-time setup fee of $75.00 per provider (billed to the account's next monthly invoice).

Once the EPCS enrollment order form is received by Tebra, providers will complete user registration and an Identity Proofing process with DrFirst. The providers will need:

  • A device (e.g., computer, tablet, etc.) with a camera or a smartphone
  • Photo ID: Driver's License, Passport, or State ID Card
  • Their Social Security Number, National Provider Identifier (NPI), and DEA Number

Review the EPCS FAQs for additional information.

Access EPCS Order Form

Before getting started, verify an EPCS enrollment has not been submitted for the provider(s).

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Clinical on the left menu. Additional setting options expands.
  3. Click eRx Enrollment. The eRx Enrollment page opens.
  4. Click Apply For EPCS. The Sign Up For EPCS pop-up window opens.

Apply for EPCS

Complete the EPCS enrollment order form for submission and processing.

  1. Account Information section:
    • KID and Contact Name: Auto-populates with the Tebra account ID and the name of the user currently signed in. If necessary, edit the contact's name.
  2. Practice/Provider Information section:
    • Practice Name: Auto-populates based on the practice the user is currently signed into.
    • Provider: Select a provider from the drop-down.
    • DEA License #: Enter the provider's DEA license number.
    • State: Select the state from the drop-down.
    • To add more providers, click + Add Another Practice/Provider.
    • To remove a practice/provider when there are multiple, click the trash icon.
  3. Security Token section: Select if the provider needs a security token. By default, "No" is selected.
    Note: A token is required to complete the EPCS Identity Proofing (Experian) with DrFirst. Be sure to request a hard token if the provider needs one.
    icon_tip.png Tip: Providers can download the soft token Symantec app "VIP Access" from the App Store while the hard token order is being processed.
    • If the provider needs a hard security token, click to select "Yes" then enter the physical address the token should be sent to.
      Note: Security tokens can be sent to multiple providers at the same address (e.g., the practice's address). For multiple providers that need security tokens but have different addresses the tokens should be sent to, an EPCS order form needs to be submitted for each provider.
  4. EPCS End-User Agreement section: Review the information. Click to select the checkbox to agree to use electronic records and signatures and to acknowledge having read the related consumer disclosure. Then, enter the name of the signer and signature to acknowledge and agree to the terms of the EPCS End-User Agreement.
  5. Click Submit Form. The Sign Up For EPCS pop-up window closes and the EPCS Enrollment section indicates a case was submitted.

View EPCS Enrollment Case

After the EPCS enrollment has been submitted, the case information and status can be view on the Case List page of the Customer Care Center.

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Customer Care. The New Case page opens.
  2. Click the Case List tab. The Case List page opens
  3. The EPCS Enrollment Request case displays.
    • To view all enrollment cases submitted by the user, select Clinical Enrollments as the Type to filter the case list.
    • If multiple users submitted enrollment cases for the practice, a System Administrator can select Clinical Enrollments as the Type to filter the case list to display all enrollment cases.
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