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Tebra Help Center

Send Patient Documents

Updated: 02/06/2025|Views: 2512

Practice can share uploaded documents with patients via the Patient Portal to provide patients access to their health information

The practice should establish their own policies regarding who can send patient documents because any user with access to the patient's documents can send documents to the patient. Before sending the documents, users should verify the document is accurate and can be shared with the selected patient.

Patient documents can be sent for one specific patient from the patient's Documents tab. Or multiple documents can be sent at the same time to the corresponding patients the documents are associated with from the Documents page.


Send Patient Documents

Documents can be sent for one specific patient through that patient's Documents tab. Before sending document(s), users should verify the document is accurate and can be shared with the patient.

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Documents. The Documents page opens.
  4. Click to select the checkbox next to the document(s).
  5. Click Send to Patient. The documents are sent and are now available in the patient's Patient Portal.

Send Multiple Patient Documents

Multiple documents can be sent at the same time to the corresponding patients the documents are associated with through the Documents page. The document must be associated to a patient for the file to be shared. If applicable, edit the document to associate a patient.

Before sending the selected documents, users should verify the documents are accurate and can be shared with the associated patients.

  1. Hover over the Platform icon and click on Documents. The Documents page opens.
  2. Click to select the checkbox next to the documents.
  3. Click the Document Actions drop-down and select Share To Patient. The documents are sent and are now available in the patient's Patient Portal.
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