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Tebra Help Center

Upload Patient Document

Updated: 11/16/2023|Views: 7267

Documents such as an image, PDF, or Word files can be added to a patient's chart or uploaded to the Documents page. You can also import Summary of Care information received from other providers and view it in both the patient's chart and on the practice's main Documents page. After a document is uploaded to the patient's documents tab, the practice can also share the uploaded documents with patients via the Patient Portal.


  • If you are integrated with Billing, documents you upload through Clinical, Billing, or the mobile application are viewable in both systems. Uploaded documents are stored on the Documents page and in the patient's chart in Clinical and under Documents in Billing.
  • Once a document is assigned to a patient, it cannot be changed to a different patient. If a document is assigned to a patient in error, delete the document and start again.
  • The size of a file cannot exceed 10MB.

Access Patient Documents

  1. Enter the first 2–3 letters of the patient's name or date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) in the top navigation bar search box.
  2. Click to select the patient from the auto-populated results. The patient's Facesheet page opens.
  3. Click Documents. The Documents page opens.

Upload Document

  1. Click +Upload. The computer's file explorer opens.
  2. Find and select the desired file(s) to attach. The Upload Documents pop-up window opens with the file(s) attached.
    • To attach a different file, click Browse to find and select the desired file.
  3. Enter the document information:
    1. Name: The uploaded file name auto-populates as the document name. Enter a different name for the document, if desired.
    2. Label: Select a document type from the pre-defined list in the drop-down.
    3. Status: By default, the status is set to New. Click the drop-down and select a different status (In-Progress or Processed), if desired.
    4. Date: By default, the current date auto-populates. Click the calendar icon and select the original date of the document, if different.
    5. Patient: The patient's name auto-populates.
    6. Provider: Only applicable when uploading referral related documents to meet the Promoting Interoperability Receive and Incorporate measure. Click to select the corresponding provider who sent the referral.
    7. Notes (optional): Enter additional information related to the document.
  4. Click Upload when finished. The Upload Results pop-up window opens.
    • To upload another file, click Upload More.
    • To close the window, click X. The uploaded documents display in the patient's chart and on the practice's main Documents page. 
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