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Tebra Help Center

Configure Clinical Decision Support

Updated: 08/21/2024|Views: 6457

The Clinical Decision Support (CDS) settings define which user roles can access CDS Interventions and Therapeutic/Diagnostic resources. The USPSTF Recommendations that display on a patient's chart can also be turned on or off.

Access Clinical Decision Support

  1. Hover over the User icon and click on Practice Settings. The Practice Settings page opens.
  2. Click Clinical. Additional setting options expands.
  3. Click Clinical Decisions Support. The Configure Clinical Decision Support Permissions page opens.

Configure Clinical Decision Support Permissions

  1. For each user role, click to select the permission levels for the CDS interventions and Therapeutic/Diagnostic resources.
    • To remove the permission, click to clear the selection.
  2. Click Save when finished.

Export Clinical Decision Support Feedback

System Administrators can export the practice's Clinical Decision Support Feedback to review whether certain recommendations are helpful or not.

  1. Select the Start Date and End Date.
  2. Click Export as CSV to save the file.
  3. Open the CSV file to review the Intervention, Action Taken, User Feedback, User, Date, and Location.

USPSTF Recommendations

Enable the US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendations to display clinical recommendations on the patient's facesheet. Review Navigate Clinical Recommendations to learn more.

  1. By default, the option is enabled. To disable the recommendations, click to clear "Show USPSTF Recommendations".
  2. Click Save when finished.
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