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Tebra Help Center

Navigate Transactions

Updated: 12/20/2023|Views: 2872

Tebra Payments gives practices the ability to collect patient balances faster and reduce time in accounts receivable. The Transactions page provides a quick and easy way to review all transactions processed using Tebra Payments.

Access Transactions

  • Hover over the Patient Collect icon and click on Payments Hub. The Transactions page opens.

Navigate Transactions

  1. Search: Enter the patient's first or last name to search for transactions.
    • To clear the search results, click X.
  2. Date: Displays the date and time the transaction was made. Click the column header to sort by ascending or descending.
  3. Amount: Displays the transaction amount. Click the column header to sort by ascending or descending.
  4. Patient Name: Displays the patient's name for the transaction. Click the column header to sort by ascending or descending.
  5. Type: Displays whether the transaction was processed as a Patient Payment or Virtual Card.
  6. ID: Displays the transaction identifier (ID) assigned by Tebra.
    Note: Provide Customer Care the transaction ID to troubleshoot issues (e.g., refund failed).
    • To copy the ID, hover over the ID and click on the ID. The ID is copied to the clipboard.
  7. Payment Card: Displays the payment card type and last 4 digits of the card used to complete the transaction.
  8. Status: Displays whether the transaction is Processed or Refunded. Click the column header to sort by ascending or descending.
    • Processed: The transaction was authorized by the issuing bank and successfully processed.
      Note: The Refund option only displays when the  transaction is within 40 days of the initial transaction date.
    • Refunded: The transaction amount was returned to the cardholder; both the original transaction and refund will show on the cardholder’s statement.
  9. Pagination: By default, each page displays up to 10 transactions. Click the arrows to navigate forward or back.